Monday 15 April 2019

5 Years of Photoxor Toolkit

Photoxor Toolkit is 5!!

This is a very exciting milestone in the journey of this App. Let's celebrate!! Over the next couple of weeks we'll mark down some of the in-app extensions. They might even be free for a short time.
Check out the anniversary release with the 5 hedgehogs. Do you like them?

A bit of history

When did you start with Photoxor Toolkit?

On 16 April 2014 we released the first version  with a number of photography calculation screens for exposure, filters and depth of field. Over time flash calculations got added and GPS tracking emerged. Later we enhanced with more tools like ephemeris sun and moon calculations, time-lapse, lightmeter, compass, torch.

A public Beta release program brought the opportunity for our users to access new features early, and provide feedback before the official release.

We digged out a few screenshots to show how features changed over time. Have a look.

The Startup Screen

Do you remember the first version? It looked very different:

Later more functions got added, and for quick access we provided the first version of the start screen with configurable icons:

Today, I think, we do have a much cleaner presentation.

An for quick access to all functions the navigation drawer provides a very good overview:

EV Screen

We retained the functionality of the Exposure calculation screen, the presentation received some uplift over time, and the light sensor got added:

Filter Screen

The same applies for the Filter calculations screen. Some refinements, but the functionality proved its value over time:

Tracking Screen

The tracking screen, however, received quite a few changes. The first version had 'tracking' and 'logging' as separate function. We later revised and simplified to 'start', 'pause', 'stop'.

The recent version uses a bottom bar for easy access of functions while tracking is active, most prominent the button to show the currently recorded track on the Map screen.


The Photoxor Toolkit Widget followed the Tracking logic:

And then we revised to:

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