Saturday 13 October 2018

Photoxor C1 Toolkit version 1.9.0: How to import legacy tracking files

From Photoxor C1 Toolkit version 1.9.0 onwards we use an internal database to store GPS tracking information. This makes it much easier to find tracks, but also import and export them. Have a try!

Previously tracking logs were stored in GPS or KML files. If you've just upgraded to the new version, you are now able to import these recorded tracks using the "Tracks Legacy Import" tool.

How does it work?

In the Navigation Drawer (click on the 'Hamburger' symbol or drag out from the left side) you can find the Tracks Legacy Import under Tracking:

Next please select the folder where the tracking log files are stored. Usually the App knows your previously configured storage folder, and you only need to press ACCEPT on the following screen:

Now the list of stored log files is shown:

Tick the files you want to import into the Database, and then press NEXT.

The import process now starts, and when finished a summary is shown like this:

Press DONE and the imported tracks are available in the Tracks screen.

The original log files are retained, and not deleted.

Tip:If you try to import a large number of files in one go, then there is a chance that the App runs out of memory. Best select a smaller number of files to be safe!!

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