Friday 15 February 2019

A new Start Screen

Our Start Screen got rejuvenated. It is now available in  release 1.9.4.
While GPS Tracking is on, you are now able to automatically add photos taken with your device camera. No more need to take reference pictures from within Photoxor Toolkit only.

New Start Screen

We simplified the Photoxor Toolkit start screen.
Have a try with the new screen and please let us know what you think.

Action Items

Like previously, Action Items can be selected from the Navigation Drawer by ticking the checkbox next to the function. Once on the start screen, you are able to rearrange the order: Perform a 'long press' and then drag the item to another location.
It basically works like before.

Information Cards

From now on the start screen is able to show additional information, like the card alerting to the new features of this version.
These cards are dismissed by swiping them to the left or right.

Tracking & Photos

Up to now you were able to take reference photos from the Tracking Screen and associate them with the logged GPS track. Ok, but a bit awkward.

With this release it get's easier...
While tracking is on, Photoxor is now able to associate photos taken by the device camera with the track. No need to only capture them from within Photoxor Toolkit.

First, make sure that the new feature is enabled:
Go to Settings -> Location Tracking...
Tick the checkbox next to 'Camera photos'.

Now start tracking:
And ... just take photos with the camera App.

Early Access - Subscribe to Beta

Interested to explore new features early? We continue our public Beta program for this upcoming release.

Please feel free to join in if you haven't already. But, please note, there is always a chance that the Beta version might have some flaws. If you find a problem, please let us know to improve the release version of Photoxor Toolkit.

Enable your Beta testing here:

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