Saturday 15 July 2017

Photoxor C1 Toolkit Version 1.7.0 in Beta - New Tools and Remote Lightsensors

We just released Photoxor C1 Toolkit version 1.7.0 into Beta Testing. This version brings you exciting new features and a few important fixes.

Interested to explore them now? We continue our public Beta program for this release.

Please feel free to join in. Whilst our internal tests were very promising, there is always a chance that the Beta version might have some flaws. If you find a problem, please let us know to improve the release version of Photoxor Toolkit.

Enable your Beta testing here:

The new main features of version 1.7.0 beta are:

  • A new Tools slider bringing together Torch, Lightsensor, Timelapse, Compass.
  • Enhanced lightsensor tool, allowing to share readings with nearby devices.
  • Compass tool added.
  • KML / KMZ places import improved.
  • Fixes and some smaller improvements.

The new Tools Slider

Over time the App introduced a number of tools, such as the Lightsensor, Torch, Compass as part of the Ephemeris screen. To make them easier to use we now introduced a new slider bringing together the tools:
  • the Torch,
  • a simple Compass, 
  • the Timelapse calculations, and
  • the extended Lightsensor.
The Lightsensor graph history duration can now be configured in settings. In addition to the previous 60 seconds we support 120 seconds, 5 and 10 minutes. Also the plot color (previously yellow) is now user configurable.

Please have a look and let us know what you think.

Lightsensor Data Communication

The lightsensor received the most extensive feature enhancement. The Photoxor C1 Toolkit is now able to communicate with other devices running Toolkit and exchange Lightsensor data.

This is a new feature and we consider it 'experimental'. It might not work in full perfection yet. Please let us know if you experience problems.

A separate Blog article will explain the communication features in details.

Lightsensor Pro

"Lightsensor Pro" is a new extension for purchase. It extends the free lightsensor communication functionality by:
  • Publishing of data is not time-limited (free version 15 minutes),
  • Lightsensor readings can also be published in background, while the Lightsensor screen is not shown.
We added this extension to the Power Pack. Power Pack users - existing and new ones - will receive this functionality automatically.

Improvements & Fixes

User feedback alerted us to problems reading KML / KMZ files from Google Earth. We reviewed the import mechanism and made some changes to better support the places files produced by Google Earth.

We fixed quite a number of smaller issues and made some of the 'little' improvements. One notable problem - now fixed - occured right after the first installation of Photoxor C1 Toolkit; hmm, that was not a good start to using the App.

Please continue to let us know in case you find problems!

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