A number of new features will soon be released in the upcoming version 1.5.6.
Interested to explore them now? We just opened a public Beta program for this release.
Please feel free to join. Whilst our internal tests were look very promising, there is always a chance that
the Beta version might have some flaws. If you find a problem, please let us know to improve the Photoxor Toolkit.
Enable your Beta testing here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.photoxor.fotoapp
The new main features of version 1.5.6 beta are:
- Flash/M: A new screen for additional flash calculations.
- Cloud storage: Personal setting can now be imported from and exported to cloud storage.
- Light sensor: graphical presentation of light sensor readings.
- Settings: Calculation screens may be kept always on.
- Permissions: The new permission model is now supported.
- DoF Screen: Fixes and improvements
- A number of bug fixes and lots of internal improvements.
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